Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In the Writer's Mind


I've lost track of the days that Joseph's been gone. It's just become a kind of blur... I spent most of my day in my room. Not because I'm depressed, mind you, because I know that'll be Ally and Claire's first thought when they read this, but because I didn't wanna get out of my jammies and my Dad had company over. So, in my room I stayed. I watched the fifth and sixth Harry Potter movies, THE PROPOSAL, and the first Inuyasha movie (omg i LOOOOOOOOOOOVE Inuyasha) AFFECTIONS TOUCHING ACROSS TIME. And then Claire came over. Actually, she came over before I started THE PROPOSAL and we watched it together. Then she analyzed my personality and we both got upset, but that's a whole 'nother bag of apples...
Joseph didn't call or text me today. I wonder why. I told him that it was up to him to call me from now on while he was in Hawaii, but I wonder what he's up to. I hope he's having fun. (Oh jeez, I'm turning into that lady from FATAL ATTRACTION, minus the boiling bunny. I love bunnies too much to cook one.)
I have had this one episode of NCIS, "Bloodbath", on my DVR since last December 2nd. I have practically memorized every line yet I always love it. It's that episode where Abby has this stalker, Michael Mauer, and he scares her while a hitman is trying to get her too. NCIS is the best drama out there!!!! Seriously, Abby, Ziva, McGee, and Gibbs are amazing. Tony DiNozzo is SUCH an idiot though. But in a drama you still need the town idiot, so... ha ha. I love NCIS. In fact, my grandma, Nana, got me hooked on it. She's seriously addicted. It's so funny.
Well, that's all for now.

Hugz (and a Gibbs slap)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Black Eyed Peas


You know how there was a Black Eyed Peas concert tonight and how some theaters all over the country were showing it live? Well, Claire and I went to one of the screenings.
The Peas were fanTAStic. But the audience... not so much. There were two ladies, we shall refer to them for this post as DRLs (Drunk rowdy ladies), who caused me and Claire to leave the theater an hour before the concert ended.
We're in a movie theater, right? And there are certain protocols, right? Well, the DRLs were smoking those smokeless electronic cigarettes or whatever (they had a slight odor and they made my stomach hurt badly), they were jumping up and down thereby blocking people's views, dancing, and screaming at everyone else, who were singing and having fun already, to get up and dance with them. Claire, now, is a fairly demure person. But the DRLs made her MAD. She looked like she was going to get up, grab the DRLs "cigarettes", and break them in half and yell at the DRLs. I kind of wish she did. But finally, while the Peas were thanking the crowd, we left. We just got fed up with them. Ugh, I was so angry!
Meanwhile, Joseph called and texted me. I didn't even have to call him or text him myself. Claire relinquished my phone backto me so I could talk to him. She knows how important he is to me. So I feel BETTER. But I am still kind of ticked off at the DRLs. I had been looking forward to the Peas.
But, yeah, talking to Joseph really helped. I miss him a lot, but I am doing better about not stressing out. Like Joseph says, "Wear a jacket."
"YOU wear a jacket." (Sherlock Holmes, SHERLOCK HOLMES)


New Promise


Day five of Joseph's Hawaii vacation. I still miss him, but I've been worrying Ally and Claire with my "obsessive" behavior. And I totally understand. I'm "making myself sick" (i.e. giving myself stress acne and getting a fever almost as soon as he left the mainland) over him and I am trying not to think too much about him. I have surrendered my cell phone to Claire for the day and I have instructed her to keep me from calling or texting him. It's easy, seeing as she's sitting right next to me. And I'm feeling better already.
On another subject, I just bought the silliest thing for my iPod: the soundtrack to PHINEAS AND FERB. But Claire and I are having so much fun listening to "Queen of Mars" from the second episode of "Unfair Science Fair". Ha ha! It's a lot of fun just vegging out during Easter break. How I ever lived without Phineas and Ferb's show, I'll never know. I love those boys. Ferb + Me = LOVE!!!! WHEEEEEEE!!!!!!
(singing) I'm Harmana and I wanna have fun, she's Lindana and she wanna have fun! (stops) Ha ha ha!
Yeah, Joseph withdrawal...


Monday, March 29, 2010

Apology and The Great Pizza Withdrawal


I broke down and broke my own promise today. I promised that I wouldn't call Joseph anymore while he's in Hawaii. Yeah, that didn't work. I called him around 1:30 p.m. today to apologize to him for saying he didn't care about me. I sounded like an idiot. It was like "I'm" and "sorry" were the only two words of English I knew. I could not stop apologizing. I felt terrible. He's not very... expressive when it comes to his friends. Or anyone for that matter. (I take that back. He hugs his family like crazy and me every once in a GREAT while.) So, it's harder to tell sometimes, even when you have known him as long as I have, what he's thinking and how he feels about something or someone.
On a different note, I should mention I'm a bit of a fatty. I weight 200 lbs., though most of it is in my chest. (Ha ha) But I have a weakness for junk food. (It doesn't help that I have a horrible metabolism because I have a jacked up thyroid gland.) And I was eating a CostCo pizza (omg, 2 die 4) and I realized that my stomach and chest hurt. I froze; I'm still a teenager and I'm getting CHEST PAINS. I immediately put the rest of the pizza in the fridge and ran as fast as I could to the other side of the house. I am going on a mission: I am going to try to give up pizza for a month. (As soon as I finish the leftovers. I hate wasting food.) I know, this will most likely be my Everest. But, hey, if a blind guy can climb Everest, then I can give up pizza.
Now, a moment of silence for all the pizzas I will miss consuming.
Moment's up. =)


I'm such a mean person...


I feel absolutely TERRIBLE. I was so mean to Joseph last night. I had been texting him and he said something that hurt me. He said that he was having so much fun that he didn't really miss me. Whereas I have been depressed, crazy, frustrated, and just overall insane with missing him! It made me feel very hurt so I snapped back at him and said that he didn't really care about me. Immediately I felt guilty and I have been trying to apologize since I said it.
He still hasn't texted, called, or anything...
I AM GOING EVEN MORE CRAZY WAITING FOR HIM TO SAY SOMETHING!!!!!!!!! I miss him and to top it all off, I got a fever and my acne is flaring up due to all this STRESS!!!
Ugh, I just wish he'd come home before Saturday. Four days is long enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME HOME!!!!!!
I'm sorry if I'm annoying you with all of my Joseph problems. On another note, Ally is going to a track meet tomorrow and Claire and I are going to the Black Eyed Peas concert tomorrow. WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, March 28, 2010

What I Like About You (the TV show from 2003) and Japanese comic books


I absolutely love this show. I just got the complete first season on DVD (OMG YAY!!!) and I spent all of today watching it. I am Amanda Bynes'd out. Which is definitely NOT a bad thing. Amanda Bynes is one of my favorite actresses, along with Queen Latifah, Anne Hathaway, and Sandra Bullock. Favorite actors: Johnny Depp, Kenan Thompson, Sean Connery, and Wesley Jonathan.
Who else out there loves manga? You know, those Japanese comic books? Well I LOVE them. I am addicted to Chibi Vampire, Fruits Basket, Her Majesty's Dog, and La Corda d' Oro. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!! Anywho, I am trying to finish purchasing all of the Chibi Vampire books. There's 14, and I have 10 of them. I. Must. Have. Them. Also, I am still trying to complete the La Corda d' Oro books. I have 1-9 of them. I NEED MORE.
So, when I get enough followers, I will be gladly accepting manga from fans. =)




Okay, I just finished watching THE BLIND SIDE with Bev, my mother. (I call her Bev because she likes it better than Mom. Makes her seem younger.) She went through tissues faster than I could count them while I didn't cry at all. Is there something wrong with me? I only cry during one movie that I can think of, THE BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA, when Leslie dies and he goes out to Terabithia to look for her. Oh, hell, I cry during the whole last twenty minutes of the movie. But that's it. I cry during no other movie. Dog movies, nada. THE NOTEBOOK, zippo. TERMS OF ENDEARMENT, IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE, OLD YELLER, DAMN YANKEES, absolutely NOTHING. I cannot cry during movies that are supposed to be sad movies. Sheesh. Bentley calls me "Robot". Am I really? Ugh...
New topic: Today is day three of Joseph being in absentia. And. I. Am. Going. Crazy. Not that I already wasn't. BUt you know. I miss him so muuuuuuuuuuch. Ally keeps telling me to suck it up and just do something. So does my friend and Claire's ex-boyfriend, Kenny. Claire says that I should wait. My plan? Wait until we graduate high school before I suck it up and do something. Apply both theorems.
But I have no idea how much guts I will have after I graduate. I have no guts. Not a single one. I am the biggest chicken I know. I would look right at home next to mashed potatoes, coleslaw, and a biscuit from KFC. And I don't see it getting any better unless I replace my brain with Ally's, who is the bravest and awesomest girly I know. She'd never be scared to say something to a guy she likes.
Meanwhile, Joseph is still gone... (sniffle) I am so PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss him WAY too much for it to be healthy.
More as my insanity and neediness and depression and all-around chickenness develops.


Saturday, March 27, 2010



I told you about Joseph in my first post, right? Okay, so as long as we're all up to speed, I had a dream about him last night. Not necessarily out of the ordinary, but this one was special.
It started a few weeks ago when he said he was going to Hawaii for Spring Break. Totally understandable. Except he's pretty much my life and I am now depressed because the last time I saw him was two days ago and I miss him a whole bunch.
It got worse when I found out that he was going to Hawaii with two other girls, Janet and Karen, (childhood friends of the family) and their mother, Nellie. Now I also know Janet and Karen pretty well and I am paranoid enough with him being 2,500 miles away from me. I know I am being loco when I say that I think one of the girls is going to try to hit on Joseph.
And that would be a catastrophe. For one, I am not all that confident in my looks and those girls are fairly pretty. For two, they've known him forever and I have known him just six years.
I know I'm freaking out for no reason. And it came out in my dream.
Joseph had just come home from Hawaii. Joseph, his cousin Jasper, and I were playing Super Smash Brothers Melee in Joseph's room. After a battle (Jasper won with Pikachu), Jasper got up to go to the restroom. So it was just Joseph, sitting cross-legged on the floor of his room in front of his TV, and me, lying stomach down on his bed. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I got off the bed, crawled over to Joseph, sat down on my knees in front of him, and flung my arms around his neck. He hugged me back.
"Don't ever go away again," I pleaded and I think I started to cry. He patted my back soothingly.
"I won't, I promise. Okay, HM?" he said calmly. I pulled my face away and we looked at each other for a while.
And that's when I woke up. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate when that happens!!!!
More as my depression develops.


Friday, March 26, 2010


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!! THERE MAY BE A NEW BATMAN MOVIE OUT IN 2011!!!!!!!!!! CAN I GET A WHAT WHAT???????? Oh my gosh I am so excited!!!!!! I loved The Dark Knight sooooooooooooooo much.
I know that wasn't very professional. But it also isn't very professional for me and my sister Claire to scream excitedly when we learned of this news. So what do I care? BATMAN, BABY!!!!!!!
Ha ha... okay, I'm calm now.


About Me (because the box is too small)


Well, since Talk Show Kylie is more of my business blog, I decided to make a personal one as well. (This is SO addicting!!!!)
For this one, I am going to tell you about my loved ones. We have my mother, Bev, my father, Dad, and my brother, Bartholomew Horatio. We call him Bentley. Bev, Dad, Bentley, and I live somewhere. Ha ha! Like I'm going to share that over the Internet. Ha ha!
I have four unbiological sisters: there's Clarysse "Claire" Burns, Jocelyn "Joss" Black, Benajmyn "Bennie" Barton, and Allyson "Ally" Clay. I've known Ally and Claire forever, I met Bennie in eighth grade, and I met Joss sophomore year of high school.
And there's one last person I have to tell you about. He's my best friend in the entire world. His name is Joseph Morton. I've known him almost six years. And somewhere along the way, probably during the summer before my junior year of high school, I fell for him. If he has any clue, he hasn't let on. Or maybe he has let on and I've just been too freaked about him finding out that I've been blind to it.
