Monday, March 29, 2010

Apology and The Great Pizza Withdrawal


I broke down and broke my own promise today. I promised that I wouldn't call Joseph anymore while he's in Hawaii. Yeah, that didn't work. I called him around 1:30 p.m. today to apologize to him for saying he didn't care about me. I sounded like an idiot. It was like "I'm" and "sorry" were the only two words of English I knew. I could not stop apologizing. I felt terrible. He's not very... expressive when it comes to his friends. Or anyone for that matter. (I take that back. He hugs his family like crazy and me every once in a GREAT while.) So, it's harder to tell sometimes, even when you have known him as long as I have, what he's thinking and how he feels about something or someone.
On a different note, I should mention I'm a bit of a fatty. I weight 200 lbs., though most of it is in my chest. (Ha ha) But I have a weakness for junk food. (It doesn't help that I have a horrible metabolism because I have a jacked up thyroid gland.) And I was eating a CostCo pizza (omg, 2 die 4) and I realized that my stomach and chest hurt. I froze; I'm still a teenager and I'm getting CHEST PAINS. I immediately put the rest of the pizza in the fridge and ran as fast as I could to the other side of the house. I am going on a mission: I am going to try to give up pizza for a month. (As soon as I finish the leftovers. I hate wasting food.) I know, this will most likely be my Everest. But, hey, if a blind guy can climb Everest, then I can give up pizza.
Now, a moment of silence for all the pizzas I will miss consuming.
Moment's up. =)


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