Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bennie and her Boyfriend


You know Benjamyn, Bennie really, one of my "sisters", right? Well, she's the sweetest girl in the world. She's smart, funny, pretty, a little shy, honest, and always has a smile on her face. I have no idea why no one had asked her out. But about a month ago, someone did. His name is Stanley Chamberlain. He's kind of... quirky, but he's nice and he always treats her with respect. So as long as he doesn't hurt her he can live. =)
Well, anyways, Stan doesn't really know much about having a girlfriend that lives near him (all of his gfs have been out of town or out of state. eesh) so he's been asking me for help. And I, being the generous fountain of womanly knowledge that I am, have amiably agreed to help him.
Anyways, it's been a month and he still hasn't technically asked her out on a date. (...oy.) So, I've been trying to help him with that. He wants to take her to see a movie but he's really nervous about it. He's not the most self-assured guy on the planet. He wants to kiss her too, but he's anxious about it. He doesn't want to scare her off. (Which I find very endearing that he's putting so much thought into this. He's really a good guy for Bennie.) Bennie's a very shy person and I don't think she's ever been kissed before so he wants to make it good. And he doesn't want to frighten her. He really likes her a lot. So I have been suggesting recently that he show his affection: small presents, walking her to class, spending more time with her, stuff of that nature. I told him that Bennie's kind of shy so he shouldn't overdo it or worship her or anything like that. It'd just make her uncomfortable. I hope this all goes well. In fact, when he takes her to the movies, I offered to supervise from afar and he said that that might be a good idea. I have my genius moments. But it just goes to show how nervous poor Stan is.
Also, I think he's kind of scared of her dad. Bennie's dad is enormous and he could probably snap someone's neck if he tried. Hoo boy... Pray for Stanley. He may need it when he's in the hospital.


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