Wednesday, September 8, 2010

School and Other Pleasures


Well, I love school. I have to admit it. I might as well tattoo the word "Geek" my forehead. I don't mind. I love being a geek. I would hate to be powerless and stupid. I love being smart. Granted, the social part of school I could sometimes live without like in seventh grade when my school - MY ENTIRE SCHOOL - pretty much left me for dead. But I wouldn't want to cut it out COMPLETELY. It just so happens that I love my school friends.

I digress.

Well, I have the EASIEST schedule ever. So some nights I have no homework. And on those nights... well... Dad suggests that I job hunt. I have tried that. BELIEVE me. And so in lieu of that, Bev suggests... shudder... the GYM. What do I choose? The gym. I am still struggling with my weight. But I am struggling MORE with the gym. I have no lung capacity, I have realized. And I sweat like Hell. And I always feel like someone is judging me. I go to this pretty good gym: it has a LADIES' SECTION. I love it. No demeaning stares from hotter guys. Just hotter women. And I don't give a crap about them. (Well actually yesterday I ran into my hairdresser, Julie. It was a little embarrassing.)

I'm really strong. So I love doing the shoulder and arm workout machines they have. But legs... that's my weak point. I tried that biking machine. HA! I lasted fifteen minutes. FIFTEEN MINUTES. I felt like John Pinette! And that's REALLY not good. So I swam today because I didn't want to drive and I STILL felt stupid because I don't know HOW long I lasted. And NOW Bev has this new diet she got from her doctor. I wish people would leave me alone. Although the diet looks tempting. Instead of one of my meals I'd drink a shake. If it's berry (or JAMBA JUICE! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!) I'm game. So yeah... I really hate exercise.

Wait, how did I get from school and the other good things in my life to THE GYM? (barf)

(reading, lips moving along with the words...) ...Oh. That's how.


Also, keep Ally in your thoughts. She tore her ACL, kind of an Achilles heel (oh, the irony) for an athlete. Love you, Allyson!

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