Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me


I have no idea what Kylie (and eventually Kendra too) were thinking during some of these shows. I'm listening to a few of them now and they're weird. They're funny, don't get me wrong, but they're really weird.

I have an interview later today. I get to interview for one of my favorite restaurants, California Pizza Kitchen. I really really really really really want to work there. The interview technically starts at 4, but I want to be there at 3:25 because they only take, like, the first eight that come in. I really want the job. I love the food and I love the people who work there. I mean, my family has gotten to know one of the waiters and one of the managers. (Whoooo! Major in!) Unfortunately, I just ate a blue cupcake and now the freaking dye won't come off of my tongue nor out of my teeth. I'm going to look like a complete idiot. I'm scared that I'm going to forget something, like my name.

Today is my birthday. But I won't be seventeen officially until 3:58 p.m.

... Two minutes before my interview... Wow. Just wow. I am so getting this job.

Anyways, I get to open a few of my presents tomorrow. Then shower, wash hair, shave legs due to the fact that I am wearing a freaking SKIRT as per Daddy's orders, and sit and wait. I have to make sure my hair, which takes forever and a day to dry, doesn't look hideous because I so very much want this job. Then I have to leave at 3 for the interview. I don't care if I'm 45 minutes early, it just shows them that I'm eager and punctual.

And another thing: COUSIN GINGER IS COMING FRIDAY FOR MY PARTY!!!!!!!!! And I told Roland that I really wanted him to be there without Ronnie because I don't really know her that well. So he's coming anyways even though he told me that he's not comfortable being alone with Ginger, which is completely stupid because at a party, there's no way to be alone. Stupid boy. And so, yeah, GINGER IS COMING!!!!!!! SO PSYCHED, AS YOU CAN TELL BY MY ALL CAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HM, the birthday girl

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