Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Longest Half an Hour of My Life


I'm going to be as unfunny as I can in this post. I just want to warn all of you: A GOOD SECURITY SYSTEM AND A GOOD WOODEN BAT ARE A GIRL'S BEST FRIEND. Especially at night. I just spent from about 1:50 a.m. to about 2:22 a.m. cowering in my game room with Ginger with bats, two cell phones, and my house phone.

Ginger was outside and she heard something next to my house. I told her, because a house around the corner was robbed at gunpoint a few days ago, to take a bat, and she did, but she called to me, "HM, please come out here!" She sounded scared. Now, I may be the younger cousin, but I am by a decent margin the stronger of the two of us. So I went out with my bat and surveyed the area. My two bigger dogs, Colleen (yes, Bentley named her after Ally's little sister) and Miaya, perked up their ears like they were listening to something. We got scared so we went back into the house.

A little later, around 1:45 a.m., we heard Miaya and Colleen barking. Now, they're usually fairly quiet unless they're fighting with each other. But since we were already scared, we froze. We waited. We listened. We heard something tap against the window. And then we bolted. Immediately, Odie, my little dumb, yet nonetheless protective, dog, began to bark and HE doesn't do that unless there's some cause. So Ginger and I grabbed our bats, cell phones, and a house phone and leaped into the game room behind two fairly large chairs. We hid there for half an hour.

We were so scared. At one point, the motion detector light outside the game room window came on. Ginger almost cried she was so scared. I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest and run laps around my body, screaming, "OH MY FREAKING GOSH HOLY FREAKING COW RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!!!!!!!!!" Another instance, we heard the alarm TURN OFF and a door open. Ginger and I were freaked. We waited for a little while longer and then we dashed to Bev's room.

We woke her up and told her what we heard. She told us not to worry, to just lock all the doors and keep the bats with us. And believe you me, WE DID. Ginger is sitting next to me with her bat on her lap, playing a computer game. And I have my bat right next to me as I type this.

I have to confess, and I know my sisters will make me feel bad for this later, but I have to say it: The only person who went through my head as I sat in my game room and thought that I was going to die was Joseph. I kept thinking of him and how I just wanted to talk to him one last time. I swear, I thought I was truly going to die. I just wanted to hold him for the last few minutes of my life. I just wanted to tell him that I loved him. Isn't it weird that in what I thought was going to be the last few minutes of my life I was the bravest I had ever been? And now that I am relatively safe, I feel the chicken coming back again. BOK BOK BOGOK!!!!!!

Hugz, and NEVER forget your bat

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