Thursday, December 9, 2010



Category: Book Subjects.

Drugs. Sex. Alcohol. High Schoolers taking part in all of these things.

Ding! Harmony Margaret, what is your answer?

"Um, what are things that I NEVER EVER EVER EVER really want to read about?"

Well, if you understood that, then you get the idea of my reaction to THE NEW RULES OF HIGH SCHOOL by Blake Nelson. This book kept building and building and BUILDING to something awesome or interesting, but it turned to crap. Nothing gratifying came out of it. Nothing! Why is this author so well-known? One of his books, GIRL, is a movie. Why? If all of his books are like this, why would anyone want to read them? It has sloppy, choppy writing, no description WHATSOEVER (and, coming from someone who HATES description, is saying a lot), and no real point. There's a lot of dialogue, which I really enjoy, but it served no real purpose and added absolutely nothing to the story. Punctuation and well-developed syntax are completely ignored. The sentences are short and bland. WHY DID PEOPLE LIKE THIS?

Two good authors - an award-winning author and an executive editor of a youth magazine - seemed to adore this book, even going so far as to compare it to CATCHER IN THE RYE. ...Wow. Just wow. Why? I have never read CATCHER, but everyone I know who has read it deems it as a classic. (However, if it is anything like this book I just read, I think I'll stay away from it.)

Anyways, I just read a crappy book and it's two days of my life I will never get back. That. Sucks. Major. Rocks.

Oh, and I spent all morning with Joseph. We had a late start and I gave him a ride. WHEEEEE!


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