Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ernie, William, and Claire


Claire has a lot of friends: Kira Pulliam, Ernie Rodham, William Gottfried, Chase Fuller, Mickie Phineas, Lizzie Gomez, Louisa Tyler, four different Vickies, and countless others aside from myself, Bennie, Joss, and Joseph. Well, two of her dearest guy friends, Ernie and William, are vying for her affections and now her life is full of drama.

About two or three weeks ago, we decided that Ernie was the best choice for her out of the two, given that she liked both of them on the grounds of the Quick Draw Game. You know, when you give the questionee two choices and they have to say the first one that comes to mind. Well it took five grueling rounds of the game, Ernie came out on top. And then earlier this week, the Dreaded Drama arose:

First is William. Sweet guy, a little on the dimmer side when it comes to math, awkward, older than me by almost a month, and affectionate. The drama got intense when his thug of a younger brother purposefully got expelled so he could go to another school. The same day, Claire and he were texting and he confessed that he liked her. She said she liked him too. (oy...) But in her heart, she was holding out hope that Ernie would ask her.

That's when I decided to intervene. I confronted Ernie, for whom I have been rooting for since Claire was a freshman. He said that he did like her and he wanted to ask her out but that he was scared. She had told him her issues freshman year (they dated for like a minute or two and then she dumped him unceremoniously) and he was scared for both of them. I told him that I would take care of him. NOTE: I have nothing, absolutely nothing against William. I just think Ernie and Claire are more suited. (Man, it is HARD to play Cupid.)

Now I am caught between a rock and a love place. And Claire sees this as a problem! TWO GUYS ARE SMITTEN WITH HER!!! I CAN'T EVEN GET ONE!!!!! IF SHE COMPLAINS, I AM GOING TO SMACK HER!!!!!!!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Conducting the Choir... and Two B-words


Yesterday, my choir teacher, Mr. Privett, was away at a festival with the boys. (Lucky guys. But the girls' festival is next week so yay!) So it was a sub and our accompanist, Mrs. Tate, who had to teach the class. Well obviously the sub, who is a math teacher on campus, cannot conduct the class and Mrs. Tate has to play the piano. So she asks for student conductor volunteers who have been taking conducting classes with Mr. Privett to come up and direct the class. Both an alto (I have been demoted/promoted/moted to alto because they're super quiet and I'm super LOUD) named Alex Bell and I volunteered and, despite the protests of some of the class, Mrs. Tate let Alex try. I never saw her at the classes, which I have been taking in anticipation of this moment, so I pointed this out. Then her friend, Candy White, snaps at me, "She's been taking it at lunch! Leave her alone!" So I apologized and let her get on with it.

She. Was. Crap. Seriously! She just flopped her hand about and half the time she didn't even do that. And, to make matters worse, she got TIRED after two songs. TIRED! DON'T VOLUNTEER FOR SOMETHING IF YOU'RE JUST GOING TO GIVE UP HALFWAY THROUGH. So she asked, "Anyone else want to try?" I raised my hand and the entire class practically begged, "Please, let Harmony Margaret do it! Let HM! Go up there, HM!" and things of that nature. So I went up there and Alex and Candy deliberately sat in the tenor section. So we got through one of the songs, a gospel by Moses Hogan, and we were going over some of the alto parts because some of the girls don't know it when Alex and Candy decide to be very disrespectful and move over to the basses. They won't stand or sing because "We're not altos, we're basses" and then try to sing low and then burst out laughing at their failed attempt. I try not to make waves so I ignore it and continue to work with the altos.

Mrs. Tate, on the other hand, got fed up with Alex and Candy and told them to move back. They move begrudgingly back to the empty tenor section in time for the next song, another gospel (Mr. Privett loves gospels, as do I) by a local composer. I have everyone stand up and everyone does except for, of course, Alex and Candy. I ask them politely to stand. Alex looks at me like I'm the world's biggest poo stain on her shoe and says, "I'm sick." I'm thinking to myself YOU WERE HEALTHY ENOUGH TO DISRUPT THE REHEARSAL but, again, I didn't want to make waves, so I ignored it. We kept working and at one point apparently they were cursing at me or something and two other girls, I'm not sure who but a couple of people say it was to acquaintances of mine, Delta Nielson and Ariel Bow, decide to stick up for me. Apparently, objects were thrown, but I didn't see it because I was working with the altos again. The sopranos have the easy part, the melody, and unless they asked for it, I left them alone. A couple asked for a few notes but mostly they sat quietly and listened to the altos or, in some cases, put Alex and Candy into their places.

Now, I didn't see the incident, but most of the other sopranos did. And they reported it to Mr. Privett after school when he returned from his outing with the boys. And BOY did he lecture us to death today. Not just Alex and Candy, THE ENTIRE CLASS. Apparently, the boys had an incident yesterday as well involving a guy in a truck in the parking lot where they all had lunch. And now I'm stuck going to the Dean to report what happened. (I'm not in trouble, but Mr. Privett needs my help. Mr. Privett also took me aside today and told me that he was sorry and that I should not have had to have been in a situation where I was disrespected. I felt so loved.) But all the girls from yesterday (except Alex and Candy) said I did a great job conducting the class and that Alex and Candy were complete b*****s to me. (Bennie and Joss didn't say the b-word, as did some of the girls, but the majority said the b-word)

I have never felt so loved by my choir. I thought everyone hated me. Now I know at least TWO confirmed haters.


Friday, September 17, 2010



In just about every book, movie, play etc., there is a point where the bad guy gets what's coming to him for being so malicious and evil. In THE PRINCESS BRIDE, it's when Westley comes back from the "dead". In FAT ALBERT, it's when Albert picks Reggie up and pretty much threatens him. Anyways, this is called a "comeuppance".

Well, today, I pretty much had mine.

These last few weeks have been exceptionally crappy. I get yelled at by Bentley for leaving a football game when it's over and then I get a LECTURE from Bev about the same topic. She doesn't say boo to him about him yelling at me and I DIDN'T EVEN RAISE MY VOICE. Dad's never around, Bev is always yelling, and Bentley is yelling at me too for anything and everything. I want to move to Gramps and Nana's for a while. But I promised Bentley I'd go to his stupid show LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, (why am I going? I hate blood!) and I hate it when people break promises to me so I don't do it to them.

And then last night, at my request, Claire talked to Joseph about IT. I had been mad at Joseph because he didn't realize that, when I told him that he was the most important person to me, how dramatic and humiliating it was for me. So I was steering clear of the lunch table the last two days. Today I didn't go to school for the first two periods. I only went to school because I had a quiz in Mrs. Clark's Government class and I'd like to keep my A and Mrs. Yates only excuses two days a quarter (or is it semester?) for Library work.

Anyways, I was in the library during lunch like I told Claire I would be. And in through the front door comes Joseph. I think immediately: "Oh, crap." I have nowhere to run. So I strike up a quick conversation with Mrs. Yates and then shelf a book. He follows me and says he wants to talk. I sigh and we adjourn to the far back corner of the library, the most private place in the library. First, he tells me that he has known I liked him since sophomore year. Which is odd because *I* didn't even know until July, a few months later.

Then he gave me the verdict: Friends. Good friends.

He was surprised by my reaction. He said he had pictured me screaming and yelling and throwing punches. I had to laugh at that. That was the only time I smiled all day. But no, I was a big girl. I just collapsed to the ground because my knees gave out and I wanted to faint, to leave, to go home, to go faaaaaaaaaaaaar away. But I didn't say that. Truthfully, I feel numb. Like a part of me has died. I do still love him. That won't go away for a long time. But I wish, with all of my heart, that he loved me back.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Little Kids


I have said that I like church. I don't like, however, the songs. They go on FOREVER in the teen service. Okay, I am getting back on track, um, there are two services at the church I go to. It's a small, homey church and that's the way I prefer it, not the Empire State Chapel, you know? Well, first service is for the older folk and during said service, the little kids have Sunday school. And that's my favorite part. So I volunteered to help with the 2- and 3-year-olds. Mrs. Morton, who's pretty much in charge of Sunday school (seriously,if the Mortons ever left the church, the church would absolutely crumble), told me to go help Miss Mikayla. And out of nowhere, Joseph joins me. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

So we're playing with three little kids: two boys, Everett and Fritz (I kid you not, poor boy, what was his mother thinking?), and a girl, Alison. (I miss Ally now...) We were learning about creation and about how God created the animals and we were playing a finding game. The kids had to leave the room while Joseph and I hid the animals around the room for them to find. It was so fun. After that, we had to help the kids identify animals. Joseph was very patient with Alison. I was very impressed: you wouldn't think a robot would be so kind and gentle with little kids, but it just goes to show how wrong I can be.

Alison seems to have attached herself to me. She's only three, but she talks better than Bentley did. (I was kind of a genius talker, Bev says, so I can't compare her to me.) Anyways, as I was about to leave (I was not planning on staying for the teen service, I have four and a half hours of sleep under my belt and I was TIRED) she and her dad, the teen pastor, came into the room and she sees me and then turns to her dad and says, "I don't wanna go to the service." Her dad looks a little surprised and asks her what she wants to do. She points to me and says, "I wanna stay with her." He looked at me and I shrugged. So I spent the latter part of my church time with a smart little girl. We played house and she "covered" me with the pillows on the couches. Once she fell down and scraped her shin BAD (not bad enough that it bled, but it looked really bad) and I kept my cool and cleaned her off. I made her stop crying and got her Band-Aids and I felt SOOOOO bad. She's not even my kid (obviously) and I felt awful.

I had a nice day, so far.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kenny is DEAD


Okay. I told you all about how Kenny told Joseph and how Joseph KNOWS and how everything, all my courage and my plans and my dreams and hopes and fears and and and - (slaps self) Thank you, I needed that - were absolutely RUINED???????


That's right. I considered him a brother (we even had this society called the VS and I was second-in-command and he was the leader. But it was more like a family deal so he was the big brother and I the little sister even though I am older than him by a few months.) and he BETRAYED ME. And he can't even tell me WHY he did it. He keeps telling me THE BOSS made him do it. Why? Why did her hurt me? I tell everyone, the one thing that I cannot and WILL NOT stand for is LYING. Disloyalty and cheating are up there too, especially or my boyfriends and the boyfriends of my sisters, which Stan did to Bennie, but I will get into that tomorrow so that I can vent vehemently, but lying... why do it? All I ever did was support Kenny. And he lied? I suffered for over a month because he lied to me?

You know how I found out? I asked Joseph to recall the conversation he had with Kenny. He said he couldn't. I asked him if he was sure. He said he was. I told him to swear on his mother's life. He did. And it got me thinking: Joseph doesn't lie and I THINK that, even though he's sometimes a numbskull when it comes to remembering things, he would remember this. So I confronted Kenny about it. And he ADMITTED TO LYING TO ME. I could have killed him. I would have if I hadn't been talking to him on FACEBOOK at the time.

Oh I am so ANGRY. And hurt... What did I do to deserve it? What happened? WHY DID SOMEONE, ESPECIALLY KENNY, DO THIS TO ME?????????? Everyone thinks they can push me around because I'm fat. NEWS FLASH: I HAVE FEELINGS TOO. Lie to me and I hurt. Don't most people?


School and Other Pleasures


Well, I love school. I have to admit it. I might as well tattoo the word "Geek" my forehead. I don't mind. I love being a geek. I would hate to be powerless and stupid. I love being smart. Granted, the social part of school I could sometimes live without like in seventh grade when my school - MY ENTIRE SCHOOL - pretty much left me for dead. But I wouldn't want to cut it out COMPLETELY. It just so happens that I love my school friends.

I digress.

Well, I have the EASIEST schedule ever. So some nights I have no homework. And on those nights... well... Dad suggests that I job hunt. I have tried that. BELIEVE me. And so in lieu of that, Bev suggests... shudder... the GYM. What do I choose? The gym. I am still struggling with my weight. But I am struggling MORE with the gym. I have no lung capacity, I have realized. And I sweat like Hell. And I always feel like someone is judging me. I go to this pretty good gym: it has a LADIES' SECTION. I love it. No demeaning stares from hotter guys. Just hotter women. And I don't give a crap about them. (Well actually yesterday I ran into my hairdresser, Julie. It was a little embarrassing.)

I'm really strong. So I love doing the shoulder and arm workout machines they have. But legs... that's my weak point. I tried that biking machine. HA! I lasted fifteen minutes. FIFTEEN MINUTES. I felt like John Pinette! And that's REALLY not good. So I swam today because I didn't want to drive and I STILL felt stupid because I don't know HOW long I lasted. And NOW Bev has this new diet she got from her doctor. I wish people would leave me alone. Although the diet looks tempting. Instead of one of my meals I'd drink a shake. If it's berry (or JAMBA JUICE! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!) I'm game. So yeah... I really hate exercise.

Wait, how did I get from school and the other good things in my life to THE GYM? (barf)

(reading, lips moving along with the words...) ...Oh. That's how.


Also, keep Ally in your thoughts. She tore her ACL, kind of an Achilles heel (oh, the irony) for an athlete. Love you, Allyson!