Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Apology (With a Resolution In There Somewhere)


Sorry I have not posted in a while. My email with Ally was down and she's the main reader of my blog, Claire a close second. I didn't see a point in posting for no one. Plus, I have been kind of bust. Not a lot, except for finals (easy), but busy enough. Speaking of school, I am bummed that vacation went by so fast and I STILL haven't started reading GREAT EXPECTATIONS. It just means a buttload of work when I get back to school and I hate that. Poop.

Anyways, Christmas was kind of bittersweet. I got to see Josie and Jeremy and Uncle Sam and (ugh) Aunt Gertie at dinner a few days beforehand and I spent all day Christmas Day with Josie and Jeremy. I love my little cousins, they are so cute. And I had my family - Bev, Dad, Bentley, Sam, Gertie, Josie, Jeremy, Gertie's dad Lorenzo, Josephine, Nana, and Gramps. But the bitter part: I got five items, out of thirty, that I wanted. That's not even twenty percent. It's like Nana and Bev are TRYING not to listen to me and they do a really great job. I know, I know, "HM, you should be thankful that you even GET presents! Think about those kids in Uganda who are dying!"

Screw you. I want my fricking presents. (Though I did donate my entire bank account - what little was left, about two hundred bucks - to the Invisible Children fund AND I made one of those Samaritan's Purse boxes. So stuff it.)

I threw Claire a surprise party yesterday. Her birthday is three days after Christmas so she rarely gets a party. We went to this karaoke restaurant that she loves - we call it the "NASCAR Bar" because of the rednecks - and surprised her so badly that she screamed. I just told her that Joseph, Ernie, and William were taking her to dinner for her birthday and we did technically but I think she peed her pants with surprise. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! She loved it. And, through the magic of Facebook (yes, we have Internet in South Dakota too!), I managed to get some of her friends that she hasn't seen in forever.

Speaking of people someone hasn't seen in forever, JAKE MICHAELS CAME TO TOWN! I don't know if I said anything much about Jake before, but during sixth grade at Southington Heights Christian Academy, he and Pauley Border were whom I considered my best friends. We have kind of grown apart over the years, but the three of us always have a movie night whenever Jake is in town. (He moved north to Fort Yates.) So today we went to see TRON: LEGACY. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't my favorite. I hate the ending. Anyways, I was so happy to see Jake and Pauley!

Hmm, what else? I haven't seen my sisters or Joseph all that much, which sucks, but I did get to see them at least once. Joss, Claire, and Joseph were at the surprise party and I've seen Bennie twice. The only one I haven't seen is Ally and I have four presents for her! Perhaps I'll go over tomorrow. I need to sometime.

Anyways, Happy New Year from your favorite fat cynic, Harmony Margaret Juniper Leeann Heloise Walker-Lowell. Also, Merry Belated Christmas, Happy Late Hanukkah, Merry After Kwanzaa, et cetera. =)


Thursday, December 9, 2010



Category: Book Subjects.

Drugs. Sex. Alcohol. High Schoolers taking part in all of these things.

Ding! Harmony Margaret, what is your answer?

"Um, what are things that I NEVER EVER EVER EVER really want to read about?"

Well, if you understood that, then you get the idea of my reaction to THE NEW RULES OF HIGH SCHOOL by Blake Nelson. This book kept building and building and BUILDING to something awesome or interesting, but it turned to crap. Nothing gratifying came out of it. Nothing! Why is this author so well-known? One of his books, GIRL, is a movie. Why? If all of his books are like this, why would anyone want to read them? It has sloppy, choppy writing, no description WHATSOEVER (and, coming from someone who HATES description, is saying a lot), and no real point. There's a lot of dialogue, which I really enjoy, but it served no real purpose and added absolutely nothing to the story. Punctuation and well-developed syntax are completely ignored. The sentences are short and bland. WHY DID PEOPLE LIKE THIS?

Two good authors - an award-winning author and an executive editor of a youth magazine - seemed to adore this book, even going so far as to compare it to CATCHER IN THE RYE. ...Wow. Just wow. Why? I have never read CATCHER, but everyone I know who has read it deems it as a classic. (However, if it is anything like this book I just read, I think I'll stay away from it.)

Anyways, I just read a crappy book and it's two days of my life I will never get back. That. Sucks. Major. Rocks.

Oh, and I spent all morning with Joseph. We had a late start and I gave him a ride. WHEEEEE!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Christmas Carol/A Charlie Brown Christmas


Well, I had an amazing day today and yesterday. So far, church was fun, I had brunch with Nana, and i am going to see TANGLED with Chase later on. But yesterday was awesome.

We had our last shows of A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS/A CHRISTMAS CAROL yesterday (Joseph, who played Bob Cratchit, made me cry every time and I hate crying) and we went to the cast party with Claire, Jasper, Joseph, Bentley, and all of Bentley's little groupies whom I care nothing about. At the cast party, Jasper, Donna (you know, the show off-y prima donna [oh, the irony] whom I don't care much for), and I were singing the song "Men in Tights" from the Mel Brooks film of almost the exact same name but we had used it last year in our production of ROBIN HOOD. Soon, the entire side room of Sammy's Pizza Parlor that we had invaded at the cast party was singing along with us and Jasper, Bentley, and another kid named Curtis performed the dance that they did in the play and at the Toby awards. It. Was. Hysterical.

On the way home, Claire, Bentley, Dad, and I had a very real near-death experience, I crap you not. Dad was driving because I can't drive after 11 p.m. until I turn 18 and it was 12:15. Out of nowhere, this drunk idiot in a Corvette (rare around East Westerfield) barely missed us and then continued swerving back and forth, back and forth, until he turned into his neighborhood. It scared the living CRAP out of us. Claire and I jumped and Bentley dropped his iPhone (which he never has out of his hands, I swear). We almost died. Scary as Hell. However, Ally knows what to do if I die early. So does Claire, but she was in the car too.

Anyways, I enjoyed all of the quality time I had with joseph and I cannot wait for the next show that we are in. Plus. Claire and Bentley had a lot of fun too.
