Friday, March 4, 2011

Can't Make Up My Mind


Anyone ever notice how indecisive I am? I know it's kind of self-centered to bring this up, but I am. I can't make a solid decision on anything. I have no favorite movie, song, artist, actor/actress, manga series, nothing! Well, okay, NOTHING may be a bit too harsh, I have SOME things that I have decided for sure. Like, for instance, I made up what I wanted to do for the next twenty years of my life. Everything; where I want to live, who I want to marry, where I want to work, when I want to have kids, their names, everything. (Actually, I have a LONG list of names to sift through, but I have it kind of narrowed down. Second thought, forget I mentioned it.) Also, I have decided that my favorite author is Meg Cabot. Her books are vivid, clever, have a brazen heroine, and ALWAYS have a happy ending.

I DETEST sad endings or anti-climactic endings in a book. LOATHE them. DESPISE them. I just got done reading a great book, until I got to the end. It's called HOW TO SAY GOODBYE IN ROBOT.

Off track. But that just illustrated my point! I can't even pick a topic to stick to! Sweet crispy cinnamon rolls, I need some sort of help!


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