Saturday, April 9, 2011



I had the absolute BEST dream last night. I was in HEAVEN, so much so that I refused to wake up. That is, until the dream stopped...

Okay, it's completely nonsensical, but try and follow. I didn't really get it either. Here goes:
We - Joseph, Claire, William Gottfried, Ernie Rodham, and I - were playing Dungeons and Dragons and I was a fairy. (Just go with it. The only thing that they can do is heal people and cast spells, good for long-range combat.) Anyways, there was some complication where all five of us got sucked into the game board and I was captured by the bad guy. Well, long story short, the others rescued me and we got out of the board. Since Joseph was the one who did most of the rescuing, I pounced on him - I didn't knock him over, but I knocked him back a couple of steps and wrapped my arms around him - and kissed him in appreciation. He was surprised, to say the least, but when I released him, he grabbed me and kissed me again. Then I had a flashforward to a few months later. We were watching a movie and we were sitting on the floor. I was laying in between his legs and we were holding hands. Every once in a while he would kiss the top of my head. It was so nice.

I wanted to stay there forever, but unfortunately dreams have to melt away, and mine did. When I woke up, i wanted to cry because I was frustrated with my subconscious. Why couldn't I stay in that happy place forever? That's usually the bad part about good dreams: you want to hurt something when you wake up from them.


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