Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Clarysse Jennette Burns


I have been getting a lot of requests (mostly from the subjects except for Joseph who has never read this) to write an expository blog post on each of my friends. I already did Allyson, which sparked the whole request thing anyways, and I did Joseph. Quite a few times, in fact. So I am going to go from longest time known to shortest and, since I aready technically started with Ally, I am going to write about Clarysse, then Benjamyn, then Jocelyn.

...I just noticed that all four of my sisters have a 'y' in their names.

Anyways, Claire and I have known each other since we were five. My family had just moved into our new house and she and her dad came by to welcome us. We started to play a lot, but we didn't become best friends until Ally and I drifted apart mid-first grade year, sad to say. But this was back when I thought I could only have one best friend. (As of now, I am not going to have a Maid of Honor at my wedding. I'm going to have four ;) We played games and did normal kids stuff. She was most often over at my house because she was hardly ever happy at her own, but I sure as hell didn't mind. It was kind of like having a real built-in sister. Even BENTLEY liked her.

She's six months younger than I and that means, where we live, she's a school year younger than me too. (which is why I am not having any December babies) So we entered high school at different times. My freshman year was fine, as was her eighth grade year. It was when we started going to school together did drama arise. Freddy. Kenny Harris. Vic. Nate. Wayne. Guy troubles out the wazoo.

But I was happy. So was Claire. She had a lot of friends and no one was mean or spiteful to her except for this one awful girl in her film class, but she graduated last year, so yay! And now she has the first drama she's really had since Kenny Harris. Not only is there Ernie and WIlliam, there's now a guy who is A) a year younger, B) a SCHOOL year younger, and C) a member of her church. His name is Moral Camden. Basically he led her on and I called him out on it and now Claire is pissed ad both me AND Moral and I'm pissed at Moral and Moral is pissed at me. I frankly don't care about Moral. Once you screw over a friend of mine, you are dead to me. But I'm worried about Claire.

Claire is, despite all appearances, a fragile person. She never cries (I call her a Brit) but I know she's very stressed. She comes from a large family, she is the youngest of five, (I mentioned her older sister, Annegela, earlier on) and she got picked on a lot when she was little. So she sought refuge at my house. She's one of the kindest people I know and very trusting, something she inherited from me (ha ha). But sometimes, just as I do, she puts her faith in the wrong people and it cripples her. Claire is one of the dearest friends in the world to me, match only by my other sisters and Joseph, but I worry about her more than is probably healthy. Oh, well. It just shows I care.


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