Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Eight Ds of Faith and Miracles


Today, I wasn't needed in Sunday school (WAAAAAAH!!!!!!) so I stayed for the adult sermon, which is unusual for me. I usually stay for Sunday school and then the Youth service, or just stay for Sunday school and then go have brunch with Nana. But today they didn't need me so I stayed for the adult service. Joseph played bass this morning (How sexy is he? He acts, goes to church devotedly every Sunday, plays several instruments, can sing when he wants to, has a nice butt, and glasses. I swear, I'd marry him if he'd let me. hee hee) and we sat with his parents.

Pastor Sherman's sermon was on Romans 4:17-25. Now, I never bring my Bible to church because they always have the verses on the screen and I am trying to ease myself into this church stuff (I'm still not overly used to it but I enjoy it, I think?) but I kind of wish I had. I can't remember who Ishmael was for the life of me and Pastor Sherman referenced him a LOT during the sermon.

I digress.

Anyways, he talked about miracles and the processes of faith and miracles. First, God DECLARES that he's going to do something for you. Then you make a DECISION about the DECLARATION. Then comes the hard part: there's a DELAY in His promise. He says that this is the hardest part, the "Wait Here" step. DOUBT enters your mind, DESPAIR creeps into your heart, and DETOURS present themselves. This is the part where I began to cry.

He finally says that when our hope has DISAPPEARED, God will DELIVER us. God waits for the circumstances to go from simply "improbable" to "impossible". God loves to defy physics. It's like his hobby. He's good at it. He has two specialties: life from death and making something out of nothing. Raising Jesus from the dead and putting a baby in the Virgin Mary are REALLY good examples.

But why it made me cry was because I was sitting next to what I hope to be my miracle. Joseph. I fell in love with him which I imagine to be God's DECLARATION that I shall love him. I made a DECISION: I'm going to be patient and wait out the DELAY. DESPAIR, DOUBT, DETOURS - all have presented themselves, but I am doing my best not to get too discouraged. Obviously, the last two have not occurred yet, but when my DELIVERANCE comes, I will be so happy I will most likely break the Internet.

I hope no one figures out I broke it, though. Maybe that'll be God's NEXT miracle for me. Ha ha ha.


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