Thursday, August 26, 2010



No, I didn't get a tattoo, I promise. Joseph has just been doodling on my arm for the last two days. He has these Green Lantern and other colored rings form the comic series and he wears at least one to school every day with his class ring. For the last two days, he has imprinted three of the insignias on my arm. (Ow.) Then with the imprint as a base, he draws the design so that when the imprint fades, I'll still have it. It kind of feels like he's branding me. Cool!

But let us discuss tattoos for a minute. What are they? You get a tattoo by having someone stick you thousands of times with a needle dipped in ink and sexually transmitted diseases (the diseases give the ink a nice purplish color). Why do people do it? Some for sluttiness i.e. a rose on a woman's breast, a heart on her hip, or self-expression i.e. a peace sign, a cross, or a yin yang symbol. (In fact, if I ever got a tattoo I'd get either a yin yang symbol or a four-leaf clover. I'm not sure where.) But basically tattoos are permanent forms of art. Eventually when you get old and saggy, that heart is going to look like a gallstone and that rose will turn into Rosie O'Donnell, but that's what laser surgery is for! Yay!

I find tattoos to be interesting. I'm not going to get one. I don't like needles (I freaked when I had my ears pierced) and what if the dude got it wrong? But the thought processes behind the tattoos fascinate me.

Wow, I got really off topic... Oh, well. I think I made sense...?


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