Saturday, June 19, 2010

Croquet Rehearsal


I had a good rehearsal for ALICE IN WONDERLAND. As you know, I am the Queen of Hearts and for the croquet game, I have my cards and my hedgehog cheat for me. Well, I have the cutest little hedgehog in the world!! He's this adorable 5 or 6-year-old named Braden and he is the cutest little boy. But I didn't have my flamingo (the mallet) today. Claire, the Queen of Diamonds and my character's sister, had the meanest little hedgehog! He was rude, he wouldn't listen to Bev (one of the directors) or the choreographer, and he hit my little Braden. I feel so bad for Claire...

Joseph was at rehearsal because he's my King of Hearts and he had his flamingo but no hedgehog. His flamingo is a little girl named Mary Jane and she felt light-headed because she was nervous about messing up. She almost fainted 'cause she was so nervous. I was proud of Joseph. He actually behaved like an (albeit uncomfortable) older brother. He was very gentle and kind toward Mary Jane and I was truly amazed. He's an only child; how should he know how to take care of a scared 8-year-old?

Rehearsal ended early so Bev, Claire, Joseph, and I went to Jackson's for lunch. I had my deep pit beef sandwich and two pieces of cake (I have to swim laps tomorrow), Claire, Bev, and Joseph all had burritos (yucky!) and Claire and Joseph both had cake. Joseph kept Bev and Claire in stitches about the shorts from this video game, "Team Fortress 2", by describing the videos for the Heavy, the Engineer, the Spy, the Scout, the Demo Man, and the Soldier. Poor Bev; the gross parts freaked her out. Luckily she's not the fainting type because she was driving. Basically, it was a good day!


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