Monday, April 5, 2010

Oh, how I wish...


Oh, how I wish I could read minds. I mean, telepathy would be AWESOME! That way, I would know what people REALLY thought about me. I mean, I wouldn't mind knowing why Lucky and Pete hang out at my lunch table. I mean, I like Emma fine, but Joseph likes having guy friends. So I'm stuck with Lucky and Pete. (barf) Okay, sometimes they have their moments like... ummm... like... oh, heck, I don't really like them. But they talk video games and science fiction with joseph, play Egyptian War with Bennie and Joss and provide comedy to our lunch table. So they can stay. For a while.
Also, I'd like to know what the Three Stooges think of me. Really. The Three Stooges, codenamed Hairy, Hurly, and Hoe, are three guys at my school that neither Joss nor I can stand. There's Dillon Xavier, codenamed Hairy, who is the biggest chauvinist, misogynist, and all around selfish egotist I have ever had the misfortune of meeting. Tim Schraeder, codenamed Hurly, is his accomplice. He's almost as bad and he annoys the heck out of me. And finally there's Ian Randall. He's this kid who loves to bug me and criticize me and scrutinize EVERYTHING I do. I can't STAND him. But I'd like to know what they're really thinking. I mean, most everyone thinks that if a guy torments you either he A) hates your guts or B) loves you and is desperately bidding for attention. I'd like to know which one is true for any of them.
And I'd love to know what Joseph truly really honestly thinks of me deep down in his brain.
And another thing: I'd like to be able to turn it OFF and ON. Unlike a certain VAMPIRE EVERY SINGLE GIRL ON THE PLANET KNOWS.


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