Friday, April 30, 2010

My Love Life Part Three: Victor Hausen


Here we go again.
After Freddy broke my heart, Claire's then-boyfriend introduced me to his "brother" - my "cousin" via a special group (not a cult, more of a support group) - Victor Hausen. We hit it off immediately. He helped me cope with my heartbreak in a way no one else could. Claire tried, as did Ally. I didn't know Joss that well then. Bennie couldn't help, though not for lack of trying. And Joseph... well, he's a robot.
Victor called me every night and we talked for lengths of time that varied from half an hour to two hours. It was comforting, him talking to me. But I had never seen him. I only talked to him. When he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes. I was happy. I felt wanted. And that was what I needed, someone wanting me.
Eventually, on Veteran's Day, we met for real. Victor, Kenny, and Claire came over to my house to watch movies. Kenny and Claire had other ideas, though. (Chill, they just made out.) Victor and I did too, but not as much as Kenny and Claire. It was my first real kiss... hee hee.
I told Victor I loved him. But... I think I just said it because he did. In retrospect, it was WAAAAAY too early in the relationship. He spent New Year's with Bev, Dad, Bentley, and I. He stayed overnight at my house (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) once because I had shows for two days and he came to all of them. He was the most wonderful boyfriend. I was happy. I didn't hurt over Freddy or Aaron anymore.
But in January of 2009, I broke up with him. I had been dodging his calls and trying to avoid it. But I couldn't avoid the inevitable. I broke up with him. And he took it really well. I cried at the time, but it was because I felt guilty because I felt that I had used him to get over Freddy. In a way I had, but I did feel very warm towards him all on my own. I felt sad that I couldn't treat him how he deserved. So I broke it off. It was the right thing to do.
Shortly after I broke up with Victor, Claire broke up with Kenny. She was devastated. She really was in love with him, really and truly. It was cute, really... And I wish it had lasted longer. They went out for almost six months, which, for when you're fifteen, is a long time. It hurt to see how much pain Claire was in.
But now we've moved on. And we're both fine. It all worked out.
To be continued.


1 comment:

  1. Well, I was just browsing my name on the google and I have to say that it was very funny finding a character with my name in your story!

    Have a nice life :)
