Friday, April 9, 2010

The Past Three Days


I hope you missed me! Quite a bit has happened in the last three days. So I think I'll start with Wednesday.
Wednesday, I stayed home from school with a bad case of cramps and post-fight nausea. (As I wrote earlier, I had a HORRIBLE fight with my parents.) And then I went over to Gramps and Nana's house. Nana and I went to Jamba Juice where I applied for a job and then she, Gramps, and I went to dinner. Afterwards Nana and I went to see ALICE IN WONDERLAND (for the third time!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
Thursday, Nana took me to breakfast and then I went to school... yuck. Me no likey school. I have premature senioritis. Then after school I went over to Joseph's house for dinner around 6:30. I didn't come home until 10:45. I had so much fun. His cousin Jasper came over and I got him into PHINEAS AND FERB. I feel very proud of myself. Anyways, I was over there because they were having a dinner for all the family because of his grandma's passing. And I realized something: JOSEPH IS A FREAKING ROBOT. If anything happened to Nana, I'd be absolutely devastated. Joseph has not cried once!!!! It's driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!
Today, quiz in math, blah blah blah. I went to the reception for Joseph and Jasper's grandma's funeral. Joseph was quieter than usual. And Jasper was a lot more pensive. But they were basically themselves. They were quoting movies, speaking Mandalorian, and being generally randomly weird. I kissed Joseph on the cheek again (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but he wiped it off his cheek. I almost cried as I drove home. I was very close... (sob)
Perhaps I should explain Jasper. Jasper is a year younger than Joseph than I. (Joseph is 23 days older than I) He is like Joseph's brother and they look remarkably alike, except Joseph has his mother's Mexican skin and Jasper does not. They both wear glasses, they both love STAR WARS (though Jasper is more of a Trekker), and they love anything that has to do with movies and/or music. Jasper likes the same girl Bentley likes, though I am not sure if Bentley realizes it. Sometimes I don't know if he knows he likes this girl. Her name is Mickie Phineas. Her real full name is Mikayla, but she hates it so we call her Mickie. Anyways, Jasper and Bentley both like her, I'm sure.


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