Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Day with My Mom


Yesterday I spent pretty much the entire day with Bev, my mom. Bev likes it when I call her Bev because it makes her feel younger, which is silly because she's only 43 and that's not SUPER old, you know? She used to be a model back when she was younger. In fact, she and Dad met when he was a reporter for "People Magazine" and he was at a fashion show benefit she was modeling at. (Now he's a journalism teacher. Where's the justice in that?) But the company she was a model for went under about a month after Bentley was born. In fact, she named us Harmony Margaret Juniper Leeann Heloise Walker-Lowell and Bartholomew Horatio Montgomery Walker-Lowell just because she wanted us to be distinguishable as the children of a model. I think she was the one who started the trend of celebrities naming your kid weird things. Well, her and that dude who named his daughter Moon Unit, Frank Zappa. Now she's a personal shopper for Chico's.

Anyways, yesterday we spent the entire day together. Dad took Bentley down to his acting class and so Bev and I had the house to ourselves. We went out to Famous Dave's, one of our favorite places to go when we have the house to ourselves, and we had fun. Then we went to go get Ally's birthday present at Kohl's (I'm not putting what i got her because I KNOW she's going to read this) and we went a little overboard. Bev's a cool mom; she doesn't care that I'm overweight, except maybe in the health department, when it comes to buying clothes except for when we find this absolutely adorable shirt or something and it doesn't fit right. Bev's the kind of lady that everything fits right onto and I know it bums her out when we shop. Like we saw this beautiful leisure dress and I couldn't get it because it didn't fit right. She wasn't happy. She hates it when I see something I love and I can't buy it because it doesn't fit. And this is especially disappointing to a former model. For obvious reasons.

Well, either way, we had fun. And I FINALLY found an Abbey Dawn shirt that fits me! So, yay!


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