Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Love Life Part Five: Wayne Harvey


There are people who are crazy in a good way, crazy in a bad way, insane in a good way, insane in a bad way, and sane people. My favorite people are the good crazies and the good insanies. But Wayne Harvey was one of those bad crazies.
I met him in December through my gay guy friend Cody Holden. Wayne and Cody are like brothers and Wayne messed with Cody's phone while I was texting Cody. (Hmmm... sounds familiar...) Anyways, he called himself "Sexy Wayne" and I always laughed at that. He said that he wanted to go on a date with me. I said yes. A week after we started talking, we went to see that new CHRISTMAS CAROL movie starring Jim Carrey (omg I love him!) and we had fun. But already I had lost most of my feelings for him. He just... wasn't right for me. The thing that turned me off most was the fact that he wasn't a virgin. Yeah, big no-no.
So a few days after our date, I told him I didn't want to see him anymore because of that. And he flipped out. Called me every foul name in the book, cursed me out via text (cause that's how we talked) and got really mad. But, see, the virgin thing was a cover up for my real reason. I told him the real reason a day or two later: I was in love with my best friend Joseph. Yes, the same Joseph who went to Hawaii earlier on in these blog posts.
Surprisingly, Wayne took that better than the other excuse/lie. He said he could accept that.
Two weeks later he had a new girlfriend. Two weeks after that, they were "engaged". A week after that, he confessed that he physically cheated on his girlfriend (who lived in Maine) with the girl he had lost his virginity to, a girl I shall henceforth refer to as "Slutbag Hoe". I chewed him out for his stupid choices and he got all mad at me (ME) for dumping him for a guy who had no feelings for me whatsoever. He even insulted Joseph. That I couldn't take. I cut him down to size and then told him I was done with him.
Three days later his "brother" texted me and said that Wayne had committed suicide. At first I didn't believe him. I checked the death announcements on the newspaper, nothing. I told him he was lying. But he told me that what I said had hit him really hard and that he had jumped off a cliff. I questioned his story, like why would he, both Wayne and his "brother", be near a cliff when they both lived in the city. But the guy gave me a valid explanation. So then I felt bad. I mean, I didn't like the guy, but I didn't want him DEAD.
And what do you know. My gut had been right. Three days after this, Wayne confessed that he had been his "brother" and did that to get back at me for chewing him out (for something that he DID do, for never listening to the advice that he asks for) and being right. What's his deal? I didn't do anything wrong to him and he just made me freak out! I would kill him if I could remember his address.
Anyways, he apologized. And I don't give a flying piece of crap what he does anymore.
(Part six in a second post.)


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