Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Helping Others


I cannot frankly say that Roland Patrick Glibb is the greatest of thinkers. He got "married" to Bennie (for Cinco de Mayo, just FYI) last year. And he hasn't talked to her in weeks. He met my cousin Ginger once last year. And then they dated even when she went back to Roswell, New Mexico. He had a girlfriend, who is two and a half years younger than him, for a year and a half. The problem: she lived in NORTH CAROLINA. He's now living with his current girlfriend, Veronika "Ronnie" DeLuca. I am at a loss for words. I have no idea why we're friends.

And yet, he always treats me well. He considers me his little sister. He visits me at home sometimes. He works full time for a carpet cleaning service, he does independent studies, and he still manages to find time to visit me. It's very sweet.

The reason I mention him is that Dad and I just had to bail him, Ronnie, and six of his friends out. They ran out of gas about two miles from our house so Dad and I got them gas. (We still had to drive to the gas station and I can't drive after eleven so I couldn't do it. I would have though.) Roland is so sweet; he promised to pay my dad back and he was very courteous to him. I was very proud of him. But poor Dad, he's so tired now, he just fell asleep with his clothes on. He was about to sleep before Roland called. I apologized to him the whole ride there. But I pointed out the bright side; I told him they just added a jacuzzi to his mansion in Heaven. =) ha ha.


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