Friday, May 14, 2010

Tradition (á la Fiddler on the Roof)


Well, I have mixed feelings about today. Freddy didn't come to lunch today and make me feel unwanted. We played BS; Emma won, and then Bennie and I tied. No homework. Gamer's Club was fun, but both Freddy and Joss were there so I didn't want to stay long... I mean, I brought her to Gamer's Club, knowing he would be there, and then I want to cry about it. What is WRONG with me?
Also today I continued the Joseph Birthday Tradition: embarrass him all morning and then give him something sweet for lunch. Freshman year, I had the class sing to him in every class we had together and then I gave him one of those personalized gigantic cookies they sell at Albertson's. Sophomore year, I had the entire cafeteria sing to him (oh, how he hated me) and then gave him my secret recipe brownies that he actually likes. This year, I wrote "Happy Birthday, Joseph" on the board in his first period, which just so happens to be Señor de Soto. He made the class sing to him in Spanish and made Joseph wear this hat that people in Chile wear. It looks like a sombrero and a cowboy hat had a love child. Señor de Soto made him wear it all period. Joseph was really not happy this year, but not as bad as sophomore year. I made it up to him by getting him a piece of his favorite cake from his favorite restaurant in town, a Tex-Mex place called Jackson's, I think. And then I tortured him by tickling him. He hates it when I do that but he always says "Stop it!" with a cute little smile. He also tried to poke me and get me to jump (which is how I tickle him) but he didn't succeed. I'm not ticklish. And he knows it.
I always tell Ally about my dat. Heck, she reads this blog. She thinks I'm getting closer with Joseph. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel better.
That's it for now. I shall write a review of Bentley's show later when I get back home. (I have a very bad feeling about this...)


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